Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The doors knocking but it's not heaven.

Today I received a call from an employer who reviewed my resume from a career site.  Boy did she hit the jackpot...25 years of sales experience and needs a job. 

"How much business can you bring in within the first month?" she asked. "We'll give you a one month test period."

"What company are you with?" I replied.

I explained that no one can guarantee her a specific amount upfront.   If she wasn't willing to invest more time in her employees why should I invest the time of my contacts and my reputation?  In addition, she missed the June fiscal it wouldn't be until September before she saw serious money on the table.  There would be opportunities for some consumer summer specials but I don't even know about the company yet.  I didn't even have time to prepare for an interview with her.

Her response was, "Well you're looking for a six-figure income, you should be able to bring in money immediately.  This call was going nowhere.  I told her that her urgency raised a red flag of desperation and instability with her company and thanks but no thanks.

Off to an interview today.  Ttyl...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Labor of Job Hunting

Looking for a job in 2011 is not like it was even  a year ago.  And for someone like me who was a "career" employee, with the same company for over 10 years, this is an entry into a new dimension.  In our times you need to be extra saavy and connected to find what you're looking for.  A Google search will not necessarily find you an opportunity.  Here are some of the new millenium obstacles you may incur and other options.

1) Headhunters - many companies promoting themselves as headhunters are actually resume services costing as much as $4,000 to re-work your resume.  They may not know the terminology of your industry but promise to work with you to use the "buzz" words you need.  They also promise to give you access to their database of jobs.  However they do not send you on interviews or give you a referral.  Their database is an aggregator of other career websites.

2) Sales Jobs - sales opportunities are difficult to find.  Use your personal contacts.  Many advertised postions are 100% commission only and do not offer any company support.  Why not start your own business?

There is some hope.

1) Re-training - if you're on unemployment check with Workforce Development regarding eligibility for education.

2) Job placement - Your local Workforce Development may have have county job placement programs.  Talk to a counselor.

3) Visit your local Workforce Development Department regarding training you on interviewing techniques and other services they may offer.

Get Creative

Is ther something you've always wanted to do but have never done it? This may be your opportunity?  What is your expertise or passion.  Do you love animals?  Start a dog walking business.  Are you a master craftsman?  Start a carpentry business.  Are you a genius in business?  Become a consultant.  A little bad luck may have been the best thing that ever happened to you.  It's never too late to reinvent yourself.

Good luck and good hunting.